Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14th 10PM Update:

Thanks to all of you for praying and breathing deeply with Matt yesterday. All of his hard work and yours made a world of difference. He is off oxygen and all IV fluids and his lungs are clear. Because of this improvement, he was released from the CCU and transferred to the Inpatient Rehab Unit at 6pm this evening. He will begin intense physical and occupational therapy tomorrow. Matt's "fan club" continues to stream into the hospital. So many folks have come to visit, that the hospital made sure Matt got the biggest room on the rehab floor. At one point this evening, there were 20 friends visiting in his room.Matt's spirits remain strong and he has never once complained about the situation he is in....what an amazing human being and an inspiration to all of us. Personally, I am blown away by his courage and optimism. Matt is so grateful for all of his friends, family and even strangers who are holding him in their hearts. Every evening, we read the latest posts on this facebook group. Your kind words and support gets him all choked up. He is still "shocked" by all of the support streaming in; the visitors, cards, food, long drives to the hospital, FB posts, etc. You are all wonderful, loving friends. Matt and his family say "thank you, thank you, thank you".

MATT'S INSTRUCTIONS:Since his lungs are looking so good, Matt has asked that we concentrate on helping him to regain strength in his LEFT TRICEP. If he can get the strength back in his left arm, then therapy will be alot easier and he will be able to do more things for himself. With much gratitude,Beth

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